Maternal Resources

Constipation in Pregnancy

The sure-fire way to get rid of constipation in pregnancy is this simple recipe:

1st thing in the morning on an empty stomach

6 oz Green Juice (your choice, combination of kale, parsley, cucumber, spinach, chard, green apples, etc)
1 Tablespoon of chia seeds mixed in the green juice
Allow 1-2 minutes to pass while the chia seeds are in the juice so they can expand
And finally add 6 oz of heavy pulp aloe juice
Take a 200 mg Magnesium supplement

This combination is the cure-all for constipation in pregnancy. This mixture can be consumed daily.

To make this combination more effective, I also suggest 50 billion probiotics (cold supplements only) and eating fermented food on a regular basis.  Also, if gas and bloating persist, try pinapple and papaya enzymes. Happy pregnancy.

Author New Jersey Midwifery